Sunday 6 December 2015

portrait practice

This is a portrait of a friend of mine, the main focus is on the face rather than the hair.

portrait progression

This is a portrait of a friend of mine, it took, from start to finish, 3 hours to complete.

Personal Sketche

           Here is a personal sketch I did of Huge Laurie.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

inspirational artist of the week (late update)

These two pieces of work are by the visual futurist Sydney Jay Mead
 (Syd Mead). He has worked on projects such as Blade runner and 
Tomorrowland and many others. What I find inspirational about his
is how detailed his work is  and how vast the world he create seem to be.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Inspirational artist of the week

The two pieces here are the example of work by a freelance concept artist named Kekai Kotaki he worked as a texture artist at ArenaNet and he worked his way up and became a concept artist, I find his work fascinating because they capture the movement and energy of the scene in a snapshot.

Inspirational artist of the week

These pieces of work are by a concept artist/games developer called
  Ben Andrews, he works at a games company based in Cambridge England 
called Frontier Developments. What I find inspiring about his work is he 
is able to capture the ambience of of the world's that the scenes depicted are in.

Friday 25 September 2015

Commissioned work

This is a logo I was commissioned to design for a friend as he was 
creating a Youtube channel and needed a image to go with the channel.
The shape was decided by the first word of the name (vanadium) and the 
wolf by the second part (wolf).

Blog development

This is the development of my banner from a sketch with pens to a reiterate on photoshop, the personality of the sketch has not fully been transferred into digital  but the general feeling has been translated from traditional to digital.

Inspirational artist of the week

This work is by a freelance artist by the name of Jan Buragay from the Philippines, The art style of this artist I find particularly interesting as he mainly focuses on pen and ink work. I like the amount of detail he gets in to one piece and you can look at the work and find something new almost every time.

Inspirational artist of the week

These two pieces of art are by an artist called Koji Morimoto, he is a
Japanese animator/director/artist who co-started his own Studio with 
a fellow animator. What I find most inspirational about his work is how
 highly detailed his scenes are and how organic and alive his work feels.

Thursday 24 September 2015

personal work

This is a piece of personal work was created through the use of photo-bashing technique on Adobe Photoshop, this is my first attempt at using this technique due to only recently learning it. I did not have any of my own photos that I was able to use in this so I had to use stock images. I created this work from experimenting with my recently learned skills, this was the third reiteration in crating comprehensive scene.